Category: Workplace Weight Loss

Work Hard, Stay Healthy

It’s easy to forget about your health mission while on the job. Here are some tips and tricks to make your health a priority during your work hours. #1: Avoid the break room snacks! Unless someone brings in a veggie platter, break room snacks are typically a bad choice! These of course can be tempting but [...]
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incentaHEALTH Launches Partnership with Southern California Supermarket Chain, Northgate González Markets

MEDIA CONTACT: Kaytee Long | Health Promotion Manager| O: 303-694-8012 |C: 303-619-8571 | [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: incentaHEALTH Launches Partnership with Southern California Supermarket Chain, Northgate González Markets incentaHEALTH Program Offered in Spanish for the First Time DENVER, April 4, 2016 – Denver digital wellness company, incentaHEALTH, has partnered with Southern California supermarket chain, Northgate González [...]
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Notah Begay III Foundation employees eliminate intake of all sugary drinks and walk nearly 5 millions steps during incentaHEALTH 30 day challenge.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Notah Begay III Foundation Employees Set Positive Example During Native American Heritage Month  Employees Successfully Eliminate Intake of all Sugary Drinks and Walk Nearly 5 Million Steps DENVER, Dec. 17, 2015 – The Notah Begay III Foundation conducted a 30 day health awareness campaign for employees throughout November: Native American Heritage Month. NB3F, [...]
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Kaiser Permanente Supported Weigh and Win Rewards Coloradans for Weight Maintenance throughout 2015 Holiday Season

MEDIA CONTACT: Kaytee Long | Health Promotion Manager| O: 303-694-8012 |C: 303-619-8571 | [email protected] [gview file=""] All Participants Receive a Free Downloadable Healthy Holidays Calendar All Residents to Stay within One Pound of Current Weight Will Be Entered into a Prize Drawing DENVER, Nov. 12, 2015 – Kaiser Permanente supported program, Weigh and Win, launches the [...]
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INFOGRAPHIC: What do consumers think about the role of social media when it comes to wellness? We asked 1,158 adults to find the answer!

Pinterest, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, smartphones and text messages. We live a world of instant gratification. To keep a consumer engaged, information must be available at the touch of a button or swipe of a screen. Not only is this transforming our personal lives but also the way we approach wellness. Every two years, incentaHEALTH [...]
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56th Colorado kiosk installed at Centura Adventist Hospital

Our 56th Kiosk at Castle Rock Adventist Hospital We are excited to bring a new kiosk partner into our Weigh and Win program.  Weigh and Win is a state-wide obesity prevention program for all Colorado residents 18 and older.  incentaHEALTH teamed up with Kaiser Permanente of Colorado to launch the program in 2011.  In just under [...]
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Don’t Sabotage Your Corporate Wellness Program: Part 2

When you are offering incentives to your employees to lead a healthier lifestyle through a corporate wellness program, it’s important to be mindful of the small things that can set them back and make it harder to be successful.  We’re outlining a few of the changes that you can make to encourage a positive outcome and [...]
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Maintaining a Corporate Wellness Program – Individual Options

One of the aspects of running a corporate wellness program is the team challenge. Getting many people who work together involved at the same time gives them motivation to lose weight and improve their health for the good of the team, as well as themselves. These people will often be found eating together, going to the [...]
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